Planning Meeting: Monday Sept 15

Our campaign to oppose and stop the BDG/ Forest Ratner expansion proposal for East River Plaza has generated an East Harlem following that attracted 175 petitioners to our demonstration of August 28, 2014 at the project site (118th Street and Pleasant Avenue).  Various speakers from the neighborhood as well as friendly city wide advocates for low income affordable housing spoke about the issue of exclusionary displacement with the proliferation of high density luxury housing developments into El Barrio.  El Barrio Unite takes the position that this particular project requires community support in order to proceed with their NY City Planning Commission application to build three towers 50 stories high because the current zoning laws prohibits this size building. We oppose the 7 amendments to 4 zoning variances this project requires to allow this build which would then impact this community with its immensity.  That’s why we have zoning laws which prevent these types of development because it is out of context to the community and can be a civil rights issue.

Community Board 11 allows scheduled speakers concerned with this project to voice their opinions publicly at their next meeting this TuesdaySept. 16th at the Henry J. Carter Hospital located at 1752 Park Ave (E. 119th St.) 6:30pm We expect a large turnout and invite you to participate.  Come early and join the many others opposed to this proposal.

If you are interested, or know anyone who wishes to attend our next meetings alert your friends and neighbors to meet with us the afternoon before-MONDAY, September 15th 4pm at Casa Boricua/ Mini Mall-  2249 Second Ave (between 115th/ 116th Streets).

Please attend for updates on this important subject to the community.


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